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Magic Pages

MagicPages is a fully managed Ghost CMS Hosting with generous limits.

  • Unlimited Members
  • 10,000 emails/month
  • Unlimited Staff Members
  • Upto 1024mb File Uploads
  • Worldwide Bunny CDN
  • 99.9% Uptime SLA
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Sub-directory Install

Starts at just $4/month
Includes 14-day FREE trial

🎨 Overview

Aspire Themes, led by Ahmad Ajmi, introduces Ubud, a Ghost CMS theme inspired by the serene town of Ubud in Bali, Indonesia. Designed for newsletters and personal websites, Ubud combines simplicity with elegance, ensuring your content shines.

✨ Features

  • Six Homepage Styles: Choose from Default, Image Right, Image Circle, Image Center, Image Wide, and Image Full to match your aesthetic.
  • Color Customization: Select from nine pre-defined color schemes or personalize with your own hues.
  • Responsive Design: Enjoy a seamless experience across devices, from desktops to smartphones.
  • Accessibility Focused: Built with inclusive design principles, ensuring a pleasant experience for all users.
  • Membership and Subscription Support: Engage your audience with built-in features for memberships and subscriptions.
  • Translation Ready: Supports multiple languages, including Arabic, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Finnish, Dutch, Turkish, and Danish.

📝 Use Cases

Ubud is perfect for bloggers, writers, and content creators aiming to build a personal brand or share newsletters. Its versatile design caters to various content types, from articles to photo galleries.

⚙️ Compatibility

Ubud is compatible with Ghost 5.0 and above, ensuring you benefit from the latest features and security updates.

🚀 Theme Setup

  1. Download and Unzip: Obtain the Ubud theme package and extract it.
  2. Upload to Ghost Admin: Navigate to Settings > Design & branding in your Ghost admin panel, click Customize > Change theme, and upload the ubud.zip file.
  3. Activate the Theme: After uploading, click Activate now to set Ubud as your active theme.
  4. Upload routes.yaml File: This step is crucial for setting up the homepage, blog page, and archive page. In your Ghost admin, go to Settings > Advanced > Labs, and upload the routes.yaml file found in the theme folder.
  5. Customize Your Homepage: Create a new page titled "Home," add your desired content and feature image, and publish it.

By following these steps, you'll have Ubud up and running, ready to showcase your content beautifully.


We recommend the official, fully-managed, Ghost(Pro) Hosting!

  • 0% Transaction fees
  • Custom domain
  • Fully managed service
  • Automatic weekly updates
  • Worldwide CDN
  • Enterprise-grade security
  • Threat & uptime management
  • Migration from current CMS

Starts at just $9/month
Includes 14-day FREE trial
Aspire Themes
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