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Magic Pages

MagicPages is a fully managed Ghost CMS Hosting with generous limits.

  • Unlimited Members
  • 10,000 emails/month
  • Unlimited Staff Members
  • Upto 1024mb File Uploads
  • Worldwide Bunny CDN
  • 99.9% Uptime SLA
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Sub-directory Install

Starts at just $4/month
Includes 14-day FREE trial

πŸ‘€ Overview

Developed by LayeredCraft, Minim is a versatile Ghost theme tailored for creatives aiming to showcase their portfolios and blogs with flair. LayeredCraft is renowned for crafting premium Ghost themes that are both SEO-optimized and user-friendly.

✨ Features

  • Multiple Portfolio Layouts: Choose from Masonry (Full-Width or Fixed-Width) and Grid (Full-Width or Fixed-Width) to display your work.
  • Custom Templates: Includes unique templates for portfolios, contact pages, authors, tags, and error pages.
  • Dark/Light Mode: Automatically adapts to user preferences, ensuring optimal readability.
  • Full Members Support: Seamlessly integrates with Ghost's membership features, including custom membership and account pages.
  • Native Search and Comments: Enhances user engagement with built-in search functionality and commenting options.
  • Extensive Customization: Offers various layouts, extensive theme options, and language translations to suit your brand.

🎯 Use Cases

Ideal for:

  • Creatives: Artists, designers, and photographers showcasing portfolios.
  • Bloggers: Writers seeking a stylish platform for their content.
  • Agencies: Businesses displaying client work and testimonials.

βš™οΈ Compatibility

Minim is compatible with Ghost version 5.0 and above, ensuring access to the latest features and security updates.

πŸš€ Theme Setup

  1. Installation: Upload the minim.zip file via the Ghost Admin under 'Design' and activate the theme.
  2. Routes Setup: Upload the routes.yaml file to configure member sign-up and subscription flows.
  3. Homepage Configuration: Create a page titled 'Home' to serve as your homepage; content here appears above the portfolio.
  4. Portfolio and Testimonials: Tag posts with #portfolio or #testimonial to feature them on the homepage.
  5. Customization: Utilize the theme options in the Ghost Admin to adjust color schemes, layouts, and other settings to match your brand.

Elevate your Ghost site with Minimβ€”a theme that combines elegance, functionality, and customization to provide an exceptional user experience.


We recommend the official, fully-managed, Ghost(Pro) Hosting!

  • 0% Transaction fees
  • Custom domain
  • Fully managed service
  • Automatic weekly updates
  • Worldwide CDN
  • Enterprise-grade security
  • Threat & uptime management
  • Migration from current CMS

Starts at just $9/month
Includes 14-day FREE trial
    Subscribe now to reveal coupon codes and start saving on your favorite themes!
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