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Magic Pages

MagicPages is a fully managed Ghost CMS Hosting with generous limits.

  • Unlimited Members
  • 10,000 emails/month
  • Unlimited Staff Members
  • Upto 1024mb File Uploads
  • Worldwide Bunny CDN
  • 99.9% Uptime SLA
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Sub-directory Install

Starts at just $4/month
Includes 14-day FREE trial

👋 Overview

Introducing Arun, a personal blog and newsletter theme for Ghost CMS, developed by GBJ Solution. Designed with a single-column layout, Arun draws readers' attention directly to your articles, providing an optimal reading experience. 

✨ Features

  • Responsive Design: Looks great on any device, ensuring your content is accessible everywhere.
  • Light and Dark Modes: Users can switch between light and dark themes based on their preference.
  • Membership and Subscription Support: Built-in features for newsletters and premium subscriptions, perfect for independent publishers.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Ideal for coding tutorials, with beautiful code syntax highlighter included.
  • Customizable Intro Section: Modify or hide the homepage intro section to suit your needs.
  • Sticky Navigation: Choose between sticky or normal navigation bar settings.
  • Social Links Integration: Easily add social media links to the homepage and footer.
  • Featured Posts Section: Highlight recent featured posts on the homepage.
  • Translation Ready: Easily translate the theme to any language.
  • Developer Friendly: Built with gulp and SASS, making customization straightforward.

🎯 Use Cases

Arun is perfect for:

  • Personal and Professional Blogs: Its clean design keeps readers focused on your content.
  • Magazines: Suitable for collaborative and multi-author magazines, including travel, fashion, technology, lifestyle, and health.
  • Coding Tutorials: With built-in syntax highlighting, it's great for sharing programming articles.

⚙️ Compatibility

Arun is compatible with Ghost version 5.0 and up, ensuring seamless integration with the latest features. 

🚀 Theme Setup

Setting up Arun is straightforward:

  1. Download and Extract: Obtain the theme and extract the main zip file.
  2. Upload to Ghost: In your Ghost admin panel, navigate to Settings > Design, and upload the theme.
  3. Activate the Theme: Once uploaded, activate Arun to apply it to your site.
  4. Customize Settings: Utilize the detailed documentation to adjust settings like logo variations for light and dark modes, navigation bar type, intro section, and social links.

For comprehensive setup instructions, refer to the Arun Documentation. 

Elevate your Ghost publication with Arun, combining simplicity and elegance to create a captivating reading experience for your audience.


We recommend the official, fully-managed, Ghost(Pro) Hosting!

  • 0% Transaction fees
  • Custom domain
  • Fully managed service
  • Automatic weekly updates
  • Worldwide CDN
  • Enterprise-grade security
  • Threat & uptime management
  • Migration from current CMS

Starts at just $9/month
Includes 14-day FREE trial
GBJ Solution
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